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AA.VV. - The Real book of Great Songs

AA.VV. - The Real book of Great Songs


melody line, chords, lyrics

Instant no-frills arrangements of over 200 all-time great standards.

That's all there is to it! Just open the book and start playing!

Instant no-frills arrangements of over 200 all-time great standards.That's all there is to it! Just open the book and start playing!
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Disponibilità: Non disponibile
IVA inclusa 45,00 €
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Scheda tecnica AA.VV. - The Real book of Great Songs

That's all there is to it! Just open the book and start playing!

Instant no-frills arrangements of over 200 all-time great standards.That's all there is to it! Just open the book and start playing!
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Altri utenti hanno acquistato

AA.VV - Patterns for jazz

per strumenti in chiave di basso

Jerry Cocker, Jimmy Casale, Gary Campbell, Jerry Greene. Ed. Belwin
Spedizione prevista fra 2-3 gg feriali
IVA inclusa35,00 €
Dettagli e Acquisto

Rossi - 200 Canti CARMK102

Raccolte di melodie popolari e d'autore

Numero pagine: 70
Spedizione prevista fra 2-3 gg feriali
IVA inclusa19,00 €
Dettagli e Acquisto

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